Return Policy/ Refund Policy
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to play a part in your health journey. We totally get that sometimes things just don’t work out and if that’s the case, please take advantage of our money back guarantee!
This guarantee is valid up to 15 days after your purchase and allows you to receive a refund (excludes the price of shipping). If 15 days has passed, we can still offer online credit for
To receive a US-based prepaid shipping label and your refund please email us for a form at
For International orders (non-US based), please contact our support team for the most updated returns instructions.
We do recommend you opt for tracking and confirmation numbers for verification and efficiency purposes.
After following the steps above, please allow adequate time for shipping, quality control, and communication with credit card companies and banks as you patiently await your refund, a process that typically requires 7-10 days.
The Righteous Athletics refund policy is designed to support customer satisfaction, while at the same time ensuring we can continue to provide a quality product and service to happy customers for years to come.
Our Money-Back Guarantee allows any Righteous Athletics product purchased from this website (not including Sea Moss Gel products) or any Affiliated web storefronts to be returned within 15 days to be refunded, excluding the original shipping costs.
**Please note that lost/never received Sea Moss orders are not the responsibility of Righteous Athletics once shipping is enacted through Postal Service and tracking number is communicated to customer —contact USPS to inquire about these packages as insurance is held on all shipped products through their policy**
All matters regarding returns of Righteous Athletics Products must be conducted at the place of purchase. Returning a ‘Product’ without complying with our policy, or returning a Product absent the protections afforded by Righteous Athletics as the retailer, will, unfortunately, deem your transaction non-refundable. Righteous Athletics defines ‘Product’ for the purpose of this policy as the sum of the following parts:
Products not containing the sum of its parts (products purchased from unauthorized resellers, who by definition, operate with no Guarantee protections that Righteous Athletics is contractually bound to honor for example) are defined by the policy as ‘materially different’ from Righteous Athletic products sold to end-users (customers). Products resold by persons, parties or entities, not granted Guarantee Protections in a mutual agreement with Righteous Athletics under an Authorized Reseller Program are not authorized for reimbursement in the event of return under this policy.
With any concerns or questions, please contact our team -
- Send us an Email at